Le 25 mars 2012 21:33, Hans-J. Schmid <hans-j.sch...@hans-jschmid.com> a écrit : > Dear Rémy, > > thanks a lot for supporting Archlinux and your brilliant work on maintaining > all these packages. > > I am having a quick question. I am just writing a CV and use the moderncv > package ( http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/moderncv/) > which has been updated a few weeks ago. I would like to use one of the new > styles of moderncv. So are there any plans to update the texlive-latexextra > package which moderncv is a part of in the near future? > > Very kind regards and keep up the good work, > Hans-J.
Hello, It can be done. You should mark the package out-of-date indicating if psosible what are the modules you are interested in. The process takes some time and I'm not sure if I can do it soon, but it's possible. Rémy.