Am 22.03.2012 18:05, schrieb Dennis 'Gyroplast' Herbrich:
> I haven't found a way to reliably download the official package signature
> files along with the packages themselves through creative use of pacman. I
> do not REALLY want to fetch the .sig files in another step from the mirror
> I am using, as that'd require me to construct package FILE names myself
> instead of just throwing pacman a "core/filesystem=2012.2-2" and let
> pacman figure out my architecture and download location. I DO want to have
> package signing available for my local copy, though.
> Is there a way to grab the .sig files along with the package files with
> pacman, and place them somewhere neat as the CacheDir, for instance?

pacman -S uses the signature files from the database file, it does not
download them as single files. They are contained in the
$pkgname-$pkgver-$pkgrel/desc file inside the .db tarball.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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