2012/3/13 G. Schlisio <g.schli...@gmx.de>:
> Am 11.03.2012 03:10, schrieb 郑文辉(Techlive Zheng):
>> Is there any compile flag or something I could alter? I think that
>> would be easy to do. I just want to clean my home folder, backup
>> firefox and thunderbird data. I only want to backup a .mozilla
>> directory and not .mozilla and .thunderbird them two.
>> So,anyone knows?
>> Besides, I don't want to symlink .mozilla/thunderbird to .thunderbird,
>> that won't solve the problem, I am willing to recomplie the whole
>> thunderbird if necessary.
>> Regards,
>> Techlive Zheng
> its just too easy, you can configure it in profile settings. in server
> settings you can choose the local folder. thats what you need?

Thanks to all of you, I have solved this problem.

As I mentioned before, I am not mean to change the profile location,
eg ~/.thunderbird/*.defulat to elsewhere, I want to change
~/.thunderbird itsself to ~/.mozilla/thunderbird which profile manager
can not help.

Finally, thanks to lee@mozillazine, I found how to change that by
altering the source code.

  --- mail/app/application.ini 2012-03-13 23:58:49.204534467 +0800 10.0.2
  +++ mail/app/application.ini 2012-03-13 23:26:47.991609239 +0800
  @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@

   #filter substitution

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