On Mar 10, 2012 2:34 AM, "Ralf Mardorf" <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> Some people, not only deaf people, don't need audio with or without PA,
> it's abstruse making it a dependency.
No it's not. The developers decided they want it a part of their desktop
environment and now it's a dependency. You obviously have problems with PA,
I saw your other thread, but this doesn't mean it's useless. Have you tried
reporting your problems to PA and providing data about your cards so
someone can fix them? Maybe contact Gnome/KDE and purpose to make
pulseaudio optional or at least, easy to disable?

That said, I really like pulseaudio. It fixed every single problem I had
with flash playing audio without killing everything else and the
application-specific control is nice.

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