Been seeing a weird quirk with KDE's konqueror recently. Was wondering if this is something unique to my personal configuration, or if it's an upstream bug that needs to be filed. Can some KDE user confirm?

1) Launch konqueror in file manager mode.  e.g.:

[darose@daroselin ~]$ konqueror /tmp

2) Go to the right pane, which lists the files in /tmp. Find an empty area in the pane and right-click on it. (i.e., don't right-click on a file) That pops up a menu.
3) Select "Create New".  That pops up a sub-menu.
4) Select "Text File ...".  That pops up a box to enter the file name.
5) Enter a file name of (for example) "foobar.txt".
6) The file that gets created is "foobar.txt.desktop".
7) WTF?!?!?!?!?!?

Anyone else seeing this behavior too?



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