On Fri, 2012-03-09 at 12:30 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-03-09 at 18:27 +0800, XeCycle wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I use pulseaudio on my laptop. I start it by
> > `start-pulseaudio-x11` in something like .xinitrc (I use a
> > standalone wm with lxdm). When I resume from pm-suspend, the
> > system beeper issues several beeps; when I open a urxvt, a bash
> > completion failure will issue a beep too. However when any
> > program that talks to pulseaudio starts (or try again to talk to
> > it), e.g. start pavucontrol, everything is normal again.
> >
> > Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
> Pardon for my question. Do you really need the advantages of PA for your
> kind of audio usage?
> For the way I'm using PA it don't has an advantage, but is a PITA only,
^^ audio
> hence I never install it.
> - Ralf