
On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 07:06:31PM +0000, Andrea Crotti wrote:
> For example I just installed python2-tinkerer from aur, which needs
> python2-sphinx.
> I had installed python-sphinx and they interfere with each other.
> So I removed python-sphinx and reinstalled again.

python{,2}-sphinx are both packages from [community]. Aur helpers may differ
in the quality of dependency resolution they provide.
The packages in question indeed conflict out of some reason, as one can see in

> which seems wrong to me.
> Is it maybe that packages from aur don't have the same weight when
> checking for reverse dependencies?

What? What software is it you mean that is checking for reverse dependencies
here? If a package is installed as dependency of another (unspecified) package
is stored by pacman in a boolean field.

please post the following command's output:
$ pacman -Qi python2-tinkerer

After testing it myself, python2-sphinx disappeared from the output of -Qdt,
which is correct. My guess is you did makepkg, but not makepkg -i / it failed
installation by pacman and you in fact don't have python2-tinkerer installed.



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