On 02/26/2012 12:18 PM, Raven wrote:
On Sun, 26 Feb 2012 19:49:55 +0800, Andrea Crotti <andrea.crott...@gmail.com> wrote:

It's a bit a shame that there isn't any default good indexing system for Linux. Now there is also a inotify implementation and tools to set up watchers on the filesystem,
so why are we still mainly stuck with locate and the expensive updatedb?

Are there other problems with the inotify approach maybe or just lack of developer interest?

Great idea, though I thought inotify doesn't suit this task. For updatedb, it should call inotify_watch for every file on the filesystem, that's quite inefficient.

I think Linux's audit system could do this, though.

Well I don't mean to integrate directly updatedb and locate, I mean a new tool that uses the inotify api. The efficiency might be a problem sure, but if you filter well only on the paths and the files that you actually need I don't think it would be too bad, after all inotify is in the kernel.

How would the audit system be better? And what do you mean exactly?

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