On 02/20/2012 08:51 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Tue, 2012-02-21 at 11:21 +0800, Bill Sun wrote:
According to `vbeinfo` under grub2, the maximum resolution my laptop (or
my laptop's BIOS, I have no idea about this) supports is 1024x768.
However, in Linux, I got a 1366x768 console by default (without further
configuration). That's why I am thinking about insert some modules into
grub2 and it may give me a proper console resolution.

I wasn't aware that there are commonly used non-standard resolutions

Did you check by running "sudo hwinfo --framebuffer" too? It shouldn't
differ, but perhaps there's something fishy with vbeinfo.

- Ralf

I think in grub you can only go as big as 1280x800. Do not hold me to this but I have never been able to use non standard sizes passed to grub or grub2 and then once X has started it switches to my actual screen rez of 1900x768 or something like that.

For me though when I run 1280x800 in grub when I am outside of X everything seems fine no large text and everything fits on screen.

Not sure if any of this actually if of help but figured would be worth sharing in case it spurs some other ideas for you.

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