On 17/02/12 09:05, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> Apperently just expecting people to read a post before replying is
> asking too much. I did a 'pacman -Sy' before anything else. It would
> really help if the Arch gods would *read* and *try to understand* a 
> request for help on this list before emitting the usual automated
> response.

Blah, blah, blah...

The first reply to the thread gave you the correct answer.

"Run 'pacman -Syu' and try again."

But you ignored it:

"I've no intention to do a full system upgrade ATM"

You then got explanations of why you are an idiot and what you did does
not work on rolling release distros and is not supported by Arch...

It seems it is not a issue of people not reading your problem.  It is a
problem of you ignoring the answer.


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