On Feb 7, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Chuck Remes wrote:

> Like the subject says, I need a hand building the latest aoe block driver 
> (available here [1]). The built-in aoe driver is back at version 47... there 
> have been *many* improvements, particularly for performance, that I need in 
> the later driver releases.
> I had great success building the driver against kernel26 for the past 3 
> years. This is my first try with the 3.x kernel series.
> In the gist below, I attached 3 sets of detail. The 'install_readme.txt' is a 
> set of instructions I wrote up on how to prepare the kernel sources so that 
> the driver could be built against it. These are the instructions (slightly 
> updated to use the 'linux' package name versus the old 'kernel26' package) 
> that I have successfully used for the last several years to keep the driver 
> up to date as new kernels rolled out.
> The 'stdout.txt' section of the gist contains the output of my terminal 
> session from when I do the driver build. It throws some errors out and points 
> to a few lines in a specific file (aoeblk.c) as being incorrect. I have 
> compared that code to other drivers and it looks correct to me.
> Lastly, I included a copy of the aoeblk.c file that contains these supposed 
> errors (to save any helpful soul who wants to see the source without 
> downloading the tarball [1] linked to earlier).
> https://gist.github.com/1713964
> I also took another approach where I copied the updated driver sources 
> directly into the kernel source tree and rebuilt the package. However, it 
> throws the same error. 
> I cannot get support from the vendor (Coraid) because they only officially 
> support the 2.6 kernel series even with a paid plan.
> I'm at a loss as to what to try next. Any suggestions?
> [1]  http://support.coraid.com/support/linux/aoe6-78.tar.gz

I needed to add another include to aoeblk.c (and another C file when I got a 
similar error).

#include <linux/module.h>

Apparently that is a new requirement as of the 3.x kernel series? Anyway, looks 
like it is compiling correctly now. Hopefully it works after I install it! :)


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