On 02/01/2012 01:01 AM, Алексей wrote:
> 2012/1/31 David C. Rankin <drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com>:
>> Guys,
>>  It seems one of the latest updates did something to the little triangle
>> thread markers in thunderbird that show when a thread has responses. Now the
>> triangles for collapsed threads look like little squiglies. The downward
>> facing triangles showing expanded threads look OK. Anybody else see this?
>> Does this look like a Gtk issue or an issue with thunderbird? This
>> screenshot shows what I'm seeing:

 Another data point - I'm using TB daily (12.0a1) on KDE with system
fully updated from testing repos and I have no problems with that and
never had a problem. Not suggesting you use testing .. just what I have.


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