May not be much help, but....

Prior to 3.2 I had to use "echo USB0 > /proc/acpi/wakeup" to allow my keyboard/mouse to wake up the computer (USB0 was disabled by default). Now with 3.2 this no longer the case (USB0 is enabled by default).

In my case, I want it disabled since I have my keyboard + mouse attached with a KVM. With USB0 enabled, the keyboard & mouse will wake up the system. All it takes is a bump of the mouse and next thing I know the system is back on.

TLDR; Something changed, in regards to the suspend code, in 3.2


On 01/19/2012 02:17 PM, Bastien Dejean wrote:

My '/etc/rc.local' contains the following lines:

     echo EHC1>  /proc/acpi/wakeup
     echo EHC2>  /proc/acpi/wakeup

Those commands were working fine before Linux 3.2.

But now, they seem to be ineffective (i.e. the corresponding devices are
marked as '*disabled' in the output of `cat /proc/acpi/wakeup`).


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