On Sun, 2012-01-15 at 19:23 +0200, Thanasis Georgiou wrote:
> On 15 January 2012 19:00, Ralf Madorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> > Hi :)
> >
> > I've got some newbie questions regarding to the Unofficial User
> > Repositories.
> > Until now I only used some AUR packages and /etc/pacman.conf was set up
> > like [1].
> > Now I'll uncomment multilib and add
> > - archaudio-production
> > - archstudio
> > - kxstudio-free
> > - kxstudio-non-free
> > - arch-fonts
> > - mate
> > - archaudio-preview
> > - archaudio-nightly
> > - archaudio-experimental
> >
> > Is it recommended not to use some of those repositories to avoid a
> > broken system? Is this order ok, or is another order more safe? Any
> > recommendations when pro-audio is most important, followed by painting
> > and graphic design and less important video production?
> I am not familiar with these extra repositories but by the naming, I
> would suggest not to use 'archaudio-preview', 'archaudio-nightly' and
> 'archaudio-experimental' if you want the maximum stability. All these
> look like they aren't meant for daily use since there is already a
> 'archaudio-production'. So unless you want to test packages it might
> be better to stay away from these.

Thanks, this is my thought too, that's why I add those repos at the end
of the list. So if there should e.g. be a broken codec in "nightly" it
won't be installed, if there already is this codec in "production". I
guess a broken "studio" app won't break the complete Arch install, but
perhaps "mate" could cause issues regarding to GTK libs, that are able
to break the complete install.



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