On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 01:34:23PM +0000, Clive Cooper wrote:
> > I have a Beagleboard running Arch Linux from http://archlinuxarm.org/
> > and it is great!
> >
> > Easy to install and everything just works :D
> That's a very expensive board compared to the Raspberry pi price of
> $25 (Model A) $35(Model B).
> Let's just hope that the Raspberry Pi is being manufactured in enough
> quantity to meet what appears to be a massive interest. I think they
> will be selling many millions of these.

Don't get your hopes too high for the moment. I don't think initially
they'll be able to meet the demand. Also, the first batch will provide
feedback about the various shortcomings.

As an example, India's much touted Aakash tablet hasn't recieved too
positive results after being reviewed by actual users. Now the
shortcomings are being worked on.

These things happen, especially with cheap hardware.

But, kudos to all the people working on such projects, as they provide
hope to the billions of people who can't afford costly hardware.

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