Hi .

It boot partly from the CD then get to a point saying at4 no responding and 
goes down the list to at1  than sits there doing nothing  .

I cant do a screen capture  to show what is going on  my problem now is i have 
blown my suse install away to install this and it aint working  once i get it 
booted so many X and KDE problems  Screen handling  keyboard  ect ect ect  if i 
get something set up it then goes and forgets it next reboot think it may well 
be another blow it away and try again  

sent using disgusting hated web mail so excuse the crappy to posting
Pete ..

--- On Thu, 12/1/12, Heiko Baums <li...@baums-on-web.de> wrote:

From: Heiko Baums <li...@baums-on-web.de>
Subject: Re: [arch-general] install problem
To: arch-general@archlinux.org
Date: Thursday, 12 January, 2012, 6:36

Am Wed, 11 Jan 2012 20:54:19 +0000
schrieb Peter Nikolic <p.nikol...@btinternet.com>:

> Well havin had a big sucsess on the laptop  so i thoight i would at
> last try this box   but  alsa  the install cd boots but is unable to
> find my sata disk now i know the disk is ok else i would not be
> typing this from suse . hardware info :   AMD Quad Phenome cpu
> Nvidia  GT220 1 Gb Mother board  MSI   ATI chipset SB700 /SB800 sata
> chip 4Gb ram  Hdd 500Gb

What happens exactly when you boot the install CD? Do you get the ramfs
prompt e.g.? Or does it boot completely but is just not able to find
the harddisk?


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