On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 20:38:31 +0100
Tom Gundersen <t...@jklm.no> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Initscripts in [testing] contain some new man pages documenting
> /etc/{rc.conf,locale.conf,vconsole.conf,hostname}, intended for the
> next iso release.
> Corrections and comments welcome (preferably in the form of patches to
> arch-projects...).
> Cheers,
> Tom

Thank you for this release!

A problem though: I get a failure while setting timezone on a ro root
with /etc/localtime symlinked to /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago, which
seems to be caused by this:
$ grep zoneinfo /etc/rc.d/functions -m1
        local tz=$1 zonefile=/usr/share/zoneinfo/$tz

so $zonefile is only /usr/share/zoneinfo instead
of /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago. Later set_timezone() attempts to
force-symlink /etc/localtime and fails of course. The fix is to replace the
above stanza with:
local tz=$1
local zonefile=/usr/share/zoneinfo/$tz

Happy New Year!

Leonid Isaev
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