I would like to setup a local repository for my trinity packages

I have a server with apache installed and a virtual host is configured.

I copied all the files to the server and did a repo-add trinity.db.gz *.pkg.*

I put this into the server pacman.conf
Server = file:///srv/http/trinity/i686

Which works as expected.

I then put this in pacman.conf on the client

Server = http:///trinity.bildanet.com/i686

when I do a pacman -Syy I get the following

:: Synchronizing package databases...
3.6K 1380.8K/s 00:00:00 
[###############################################################] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'trinity.db' from  : Unknown resolver error
error: failed to update trinity (Unknown resolver error)

ping shows that trinity.bildanet.com is resolvable for the client.

This is browseable from a web browser on the client and shows all the packages 
as well as the trinity.db and trinity.db.tar.gz file.

Is there something else I need to do to get this working or what am I missing?

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