Try nuking your $HOME/.Xauthority prior to starting xmonad from
.xinitrc. I had a spate of similar problems that were only solved by
removing it in my bash .profile script on each login. No longer seems
to be necessary, I never tracked down the root cause, but the solution
(rm .Xauthority) was solid. Apologies for the voodoo advice.

Ethan Schoonover
Github/Freenode: altercation - Solarized:

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 12:19, Mathias Huber <> wrote:
> Am 18.12.2011 20:01, schrieb Ivan Sichmann Freitas:
>> On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 07:08:50PM +0100, Mathias Huber wrote:
>>> However, since the latest "pacman -Syu" GDM just tells me it was
>>> unable to start the Xmonad session. I've issued "xmonad --recompile"
>>> several times, which didn't help. "~/.xmonad/xmonad.errors" is brand
>>> new, but empty.
>> I've -Syu'ed and (0.10) xmonad still works here. But I start it from
>> .xinitrc
>> instead of using a login manager.
> It may be more of a GDM/Gnome-issue really: I've just successfully called
> "xmonad --replace", which gave me working Xmonad but a crashed Gnome (which
> suggested I log out, but I didn't).
> Best,
> Mathias

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