On 12/18/2011 07:04 PM, Myra Nelson wrote:
>>> I realize I can complete the update by pacman -Suf or pacman -Rdd
>>> libgsf-gnome then install the libgsf update but would think this would be
>>> handled by an install file included with the package. I would prefer not
>> to
>>> bork my box so I thought I would ask first for a change.
>> now, why do you think that -f will solve every problem? -f is not for
>> forcing updates when dependencies are not met!
>> Stop using -f.
>>> Thanks for your assistance.
>>> Myra
>> --
>> IonuČ›
> Thats's why I didn't use -f and have quit using -f, why I don't think it
> will solve every problem, why I ask for the proper procedure before I
> borked my box, and why I asked about it being taken care of by an install
> file. Lately I've seen several "user intervention needed" news postings and
> assumed this might be one of those cases. I intentionally pointed out the
> wrong way to do this, sorry if I offended you.
> Myra

No offense taken and I hope that my reply wasn't offensive.

I was only curios since I see a lot of our users using -f along with -Su
and with -Sdd lately and maybe our manual is not clear enough.

As for original problem, nothing in our repository depended on that
package and there wasn't any way to have it installed. But my logic
seems to be faulty.


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