On Sun, 2011-12-18 at 01:10 -0300, Sébastien le Preste de Vauban wrote: > When I play a video with mplayer2 (also happens with tvtime) > > MPlayer2 2.0-379-ge3f5043 (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team > 162 audio & 361 video codecs > > I get the following display problem on screen 2
Linux isn't the best choice for video. Thanks to Robin we've got Ardour3 video timeline http://rg42.org/wiki/a3vtl (so I won back hope I already had lost) but this is a little bit OT, regarding to your request. Did you try several video players with different backends? I usually install all video players that are available. Linux is bad regarding to audio and video containers and even if Linux is used for some tasks by professional film studios, it's impossible to use it for professional serious basics such as NLE or even for consumer usages like playing common Internet videos or transforming container formats. Try another Linux video player, perhaps with another backend, what ever your problem playing videos might be. 2 Cents, Ralf PS: I experienced tries solving video issues as much too time consuming, that seldom had success. Trying several media players/backends always was the better way for me to go. YMMV.