Em Qui, 2011-12-08 às 17:37 -0300, Angel Velásquez escreveu:

> Good for you!, but you can have several DE, or WM in Linux world.
> So, eventually, you should "evolve" and not be tied to just one of
> them ;).
> Just my honest opinion. 
You are right... I must evolve...

My company, the one I work for, (200+) employees and thousands of
users, must evolve too.  We are now testing tablets... 2 brands came
the arena: apple's iPad, and of course: Android.. The main use is to
access the
company workhorse using vnc... and leave the personal data on the

Seems promising.. as only a few servers runs Archlinux with hundreds of
and fxce, or gnome 3.2, and the personal stuff will be kept in the

I do not have too much data still, but the few tablets we have put in
seems working very good. Apple is better hardware, but closed, Android
is Linux, is open have better conectivity.. heavy, battery problems...
Apple you build the software in objetive c, Android is java (or a kind

The only thing that is true is the Archlinux servers, that does not
stops at all...

Thank you Archlinux team for the Great Job...


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