-----Original Message-----
From: arch-general-boun...@archlinux.org on behalf of Thanasis Georgiou
Sent: Tue 12/6/2011 14:20
Arch is using a different repository for 32-bit software under 64-bit machines 
called 'multilib'. You only need to enable that and you will be fine.


Thank you :)

so there are no issues with e.g. the no-cost proprietary lightscribe apps using 
64-bit Arch Linux?! I don't need 32-bit support especially for my DAW, since 
I'm not using Windows VSTs. OTOH I never was able to get the proprietary KORG 
nano KONTROL app run under wine. Tried this for 64-bit installs only.



PS: Reading the Internet recovering removed files from ext3 seems to be less 
problematic, than doing this from ext4. So I perhaps will install Arch to ext3 
and join another list to restore my lost data.

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