On 03-12-2011 13:45, Bastien Dejean wrote:
> Mauro Santos:
>> When you resume, how much time has it been since you suspended? How much
>> time does it need to pass until xscreensaver locks your screen if the
>> machine is kept running?
> I see what you mean. xscreensaver thinks it musts activate because it
> wrongly considers the elapsed time as an activity period.
> Then, I should automatically send:
>     xscreensaver-command -deactivate >&- 2>&- &
> on resume?

It might work or not, I don't know what takes precedence. After you
resume i guess it will check the time and realize it has been longer
than the defined inactivity period with no activity (it was suspended so
there could be no activity) and lock the screen.

Here I see the same behavior, I have the timeout set to 10 minutes, if I
resume after 10 minutes have passed the screen will be locked, however
if I suspend and resume before 10 minutes have passed the screen will
stay unlocked.

Mauro Santos

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