Andrea Scarpino wrote:

> Please users stop abusing of the out-of-date option.
> What you SHOULDN'T do:
> - report as out-of-date a package when a beta or a RC is out
> - report as out-of-date a package which conflicts
> - report as out-of-date a package which doesn't build
> - report as out-of-date a package which is broken
> - report as out-of-date a package when the mirror you use is out-of-date
> - and my favorite, report as out-of-date a package which WORKS like
> this one at the bottom of this mail
> What you SHOULD do:
> - report as out-of-date a package when a *stable* release of that package
> is out
> Thanks.

Wouldn't it be better to put this in the confirmation page that you get when 
you click "Flag package out of date"?

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