I get your point now.

Cheers and Regards
Jayesh Vinay Badwaik
Electronics and Communication Engineering

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 2:38 AM, clemens fischer
<ino-n...@spotteswoode.dnsalias.org> wrote:
> Jayesh Badwaik wrote:
>> Yeah. I too have my personal stuff for that. I have a script actually
>> which uses a file and from that creates the default.list file which is
>> then used by anyone who cares to use it (Firefox, KDE etc). But I am
>> now tired of the custom stuff. I just wanted to explore. And XML
>> seemed quiet universal in the sense.
>> And I have heard a lot but I still don't get it. Why is XML a beast?
>> I have read everything from every source where people have even given
>> point wise listings. But I am not able to appreciate anything. XML is
>> just a way of writing data, right? Instead of parsing text you parse
>> tags and their values. The only difference and advantage is that the
>> stuff is more human readable.
> I was talking from the viewpoint of the task you were trying to solve.
> You want a way to handle mimetype associations for file objects.
> There's not much info needed.  XML is not the best format to parse
> without bloaty libs.  If you want a script, a simpler (oneline) format
> might be more practical.  It is also easier to have a simple format when
> you later need to write adapters in case you still want XML.
> Whatever.  You still might consider using two or more databases if you
> want a hierarchy:  user-choices -> program-choices -> system-choices.
> No need to merge into one database if the later choices are fallbacks.
> clemens

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