---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Myra Nelson <outerrimlogg...@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 15:45 Subject: udev events and /usr not mounted To: General Discussion about Arch Linux <arch-general@archlinux.org>
No gripes, complaints, or rants, just a question about udev rules. This is one of those /usr not mounted things that's broken. Fri Nov 25 12:06:54 2011: :: Loading User-specified Modules [BUSY] udevd[398]: failed to execute '/usr/sbin/alsactl' '/usr/sbin/alsactl restore 0': No such file or directory It's easy to work around but I was wondering, is it possible to move 78-sound-card.rules and/or 90-alsa-restore.rules to say /etc/udev/rules.d then source them, myself, after /usr is mounted? Or would that cause other unwanted and unnecessay problems, security issues, or just plain not work? Currently I don't want to try to migrate /usr to /. / is only 4 GB and /usr is 8+ GB and everything works to well so I'll just do a fresh install later. Otherwise sudo /usr/bin/alsactl start works well. Myra Brain Dead -- Chaos! Panic! Disaster! (My work here is done) -- Life's fun when your sick and psychotic!