On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 09:55:22PM -0600, Erik Johnson wrote:

OK, I believe I have found why. I ran acpi_listen before closing the
lid, and observed the following:

button/lid LID close
button/lid LID open

Both events match "button/lid" in the case statement in handler.sh. I
took the default handler.sh from the acpid package and modified it so
that it checks the 3rd argument passed to handler.sh for "close" or
"open". I then added /usr/sbin/pm-suspend to the "close" section of the
newly-added case statement, tested, and confirmed that this fixed the

Patch attached. Will file a bug in flyspray.

I just realized that I reversed the lines in the commented-out messages
in the part that I added. Derp.

Oh well. Bug report filed. Link for those who want to follow:




"For me, it is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to
persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."  --Carl Sagan

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