Hi, I'm not a DE (desktop environment) user, and I'm not planning to become one. I'm pretty comfortable with plain fluxbox... However when people wonders about how to start on a linux kernel based OS, specially to be able to run on old or low end machines, they really expect a DE, not knowing that both major ones (gnome and kde) are really bloated and they better stay out of their way, :-)
So LXDE sounds like the DE I'd like to experiment with, but I'd like to use fluxbox instead of openbox. I'm not familiar with LXDE, so perhaps a pointer to a tutorial or howto for this WM switch might be useful. I'd guess is not just calling startfluxbox in some configuration file (like ~/.xinitrc), but some care is required for keyboard management as well since fluxbox offer its own keybinding, :-) Also I'd liek to know what problems are to be faced because of using fluxbox before hand if possible... Any help will be greatly appreciated, :-) Thanks, -- Javier.