Well from what I know from my days back with $certainotherdistro, PK mounts local drives in /media and remote drives in ~/.gvfs . currently I use mount(8) manually, since I don't use a big DE nor filebrowser (IMO too many of them make use of stuff like this) and wouldn't make use of this additional source of errors and level of abstraction. I have this in my .bashrc
penmount() { local target="$HOME/mnt" if [[ $1 == -u ]]; then if ! mount | grep -q "$target"; then echo "Error: ${target/$HOME/~} not mounted" >&2 return 1 fi sudo umount "$target" else if mount | grep -q "$target"; then echo "Error: ${target/$HOME/~} is already mounted" >&2 return 1 fi sudo mount -o uid=$UID,gid=$UID "$1" "$target" fi } cheers! mar77i