On 09/25/11 09:30, Carlos Alberto Ospina wrote:
> When i start Windos in Virtual box get the following message error:
> The virtual box linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or ther
> is a permission problem with (dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel
> module by executin
> rc.d setup vboxdrv
> as root. This package keepr trackc of linuex kernel changes andrecompiles
> the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.
> I execute the instuccion but this message show again. If someone has already
> happened, i would apreciate you help.

The module must be loaded (modprobe vboxdrv) and you must be in the
'vboxusers' group (gpasswd -a s vboxusers). After the latter step,
you'll have to obtain a new session with the new permissions - restart,
for example.

Scott Lawrence

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