Could you check that you have `xset r` enabled? Does any key repeat,
if you hold them?
Maybe it's window manager behavior like mentioned above, (used for
hotkey or hotkey combination for perhaps and grabs the key which would
be IMO bad)

Anyways sounds weird and can't really pinpoint unless more information
is given and what packages did you upgrade.

2011/9/2 Jesse Jaara <>:
> 02.09.2011 14:43, Jorge Almeida kirjoitti:
>> Two days ago I did a one week -due general upgrading. After rebooting,
>> the "Down" key changed its usual behavior: keeping the key pressed
>> should keep producing Down events (I use it sometimes to scroll a
>> google page without the mouse, or to move down across a text editing
>> page). Now, it only sends one event. If I want to scroll down two
>> lines I have  to press twice. The Up key still has the usual behavior.
>> I checked with xev that events are not being sent (i.e., they are not
>> just being ignored). I suspected a keyboard hw probem, and so I used
>> xmodmap to map another key (AltGr, right next to the space bar) to be
>> another Down. It worked well yesterday, but today, after booting, new
>> and old key have both the same strange behavior.
>> I have no idea what package may be causing this...
>> Jorge Almeida
> Check the keyboard settings from KDE/Gnome/Xfce control panel,
> if you us one of them. Don't know how the keyboard settings
> are handled on window-managers and such.

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