On Thursday 28 July 2011 01:26:01 Andrea Scarpino wrote: > Hi arKers, > KDE 4.7 has been released[1] and our packages are ready in [testing]. > > As you already know KDE is (slowly) moving to GIT. With this > transition some KDE module has been splitted into subprojects, and the > remaining modules should be splitted before KDE 4.8. > The result of this is that some package (e.g. kdegraphics-libs) is now > splitted in several packages and each new package conflicts with the > old kdegraphics-libs, so you have to remove it when pacman asks for > its removal during the update. > > Here some info about the splitted modules: > - KDE Workspace: wallpapers are now in a separate package named > kde-wallpapers, this reduced the kdebase-workspace package download > size by 70%. > - KDE Graphics: kdegraphics-libs is now splitted in > kdegraphics-ksaneplugin, kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer, > kdegraphics-svgpart, kdegraphics-thumbnailers, libkdcraw, libkexiv2, > libkipi, libksane. Our official packages which depends on > kdegraphics-libs have been updated to depend on the new libraries; the > upgrade should work without any issue, otherwise please report it to > our bug tracker. > - KDE Edu: kdeedu-libkdeedu and kdeedu-data have been dropped and > libkdeedu will replace them. > - KDE Bindings: every subproject has been splitted in two parts: one > for the qt bindings and one for the KDE bindings. The old packages > have been remove and the new one are: kdebindings-kimono, > kdebindings-kross-java, kdebindings-kross-python, > kdebindings-korundum, kdebindings-perlkde, kdebindings-perlqt, > kdebindings-qtruby, kdebindings-qyoto, kdebindings-smokegen, > kdebindings-smokekde, kdebindings-smokeqt. > - KDE Accessibility: kdeaccessibility-colorschemes and > kdeaccessibility-iconthemes are dropped and replaced. > > Have a nice update! > > [1] http://kde.org/announcements/4.7/ > >
Hi Andrea, I just wanted to thank you for the work you do with the KDE packages in Archlinux :) And now that I'm at it...is there anyway I could help? Thanks again for the great work! Regards, Marc Deop i ArgemÃ