After a routine upgrade it seems I don't have any sound devices any more.

More in detail:

* The driver for my card (RME HDSP MADI, snd_hdpsm) is loaded.
* aplay -L tells me there is only the 'null' device.
* (re)starting /etc/rc.d/alsa doesn't change things.
* There is *no* /dev/pcm at all.
* /sys/class/sound only has a link to a timer device.
* No traces in dmesg or /var/log/messages of anything going wrong.

I suspect udev fails to do the right things.

* /etc/udev/rules.d is empty
* /etc/udev/udev.conf contains only the line 

This is a professional studio and I'm expecting clients tomorrow at 09:00.

Any ideas ?



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