2011/7/11 Matthew Monaco <dgbale...@verizon.net>

> On 07/11/2011 12:30 AM, dmb...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On 07/10/2011 07:44 PM, Matthew Monaco wrote:
>>> I think since Gnome 3 / pulseaudio, I've had an annoying system beep
>>> when shutting down. The pcspkr module is not loaded.
>> Are you blacklisting this module through the old syntax in rc.conf? The
>> configuration for blacklisting modules changed not too long ago (although
>> not
>> terribly recently, either, so sorry if you were already aware of this).
>> http://www.archlinux.org/news/**changes-to-module-**blacklisting/<http://www.archlinux.org/news/changes-to-module-blacklisting/>
> I've been blacklisting it via "install pcspkr /bin/false" all along.
Blacklisting won't work I think as this isint the classical/physical
beeper speaker embended in the motherborad but instead a "virtual"
one implemented in the sound card to produce the beep sound from
the real speakers. So only way is to just mute it.

(\_ /) copy the bunny to your profile
(0.o ) to help him achieve world domination.
(> <) come join the dark side.
/_|_\ (we have cookies.)

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