A few fixes to mkinitcpio. One regression was fixed regarding 64 bit
kernels with a 32 bit userspace (slows down image generation a bit
again), and there were further speedups regarding add_module.

Please sign off.

Dave Reisner (17):
      bash-completion: complete -k on kernel images
      bash-completion: match style to rest of code
      bash-completion: use a PE instead of sed
      function: return with 0 if we reach the end of add_binary
      functions: reduce calls to modinfo
      avoid touching the linker directly
      mkinitcpio: use msg instead of echo for hook help
      lsinitcpio: append, not overwrite found hooks
      lsinitcpio: add optional colorized output
      function: fix whitespace errors
      functions: call _add_file directly from add_module
      always exit from cleanup
      functions: reorg, no code changes
      install modules all at once
      base/install: rewrite the config to sanitize it
      cleanup rarely and unused variable declarations
      functions: remove cruft from in_array

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi (1):
      Fix -k /path when -b is used

Thomas Bächler (4):
      init_functions/default_mount_handler: use -l option for blkid to
avoid syntax errors in a later mount command
      Trim leading spaces in MODULES and earlymodules to prevent error
messages when one is set to " "
      Merge branch 'working' of https://github.com/falconindy/mkinitcpio
into working
      Release version 0.7.1

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