On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Mauro Santos <registo.maill...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 06-06-2011 13:58, Yaro Kasear wrote:
> > There's no reason to ever, ever, put USB drives in the fstab. Look at the
> top
> > of the fstab file, it reads "static file system information." Unless
> you're
> > guaranteed to have your thumbdrive plugged into your computer 24/7 and
> never
> > remove it, it doesn't really belong in there, use consolekit or whatever
> > SC or GNOME use. Use pmount, whatever.
> What if you are booting from usb into a system with gui capabilities and
> all rescue/work/whatever tools you might need?
In this case, the fstab entries would look more like they would "normally",
and less like they would for an external hardrive, the fstab on the machine
you're booting from wouldn't be read at all.

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