On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Sergey Manucharian <ingeniw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With kernels 2.6.38 or 2.6.39 xterm and rxvt do not update the content 
> properly. E.g. I enter "ps -ef" command and see only the first 2 lines at the 
> top and empty space below. In some cases the new command output does not 
> appear at all, I see just the previous command result. The terminal blinks 
> every 6-7 seconds, and for very short time I can see the proper content. As 
> soon as the terminal loses the focus (mouse cursor moved, alt-tab, workspace 
> change) it shows the proper content. However it never happens with roxterm, 
> but it is a gtk-based program.

definitely similar issue here on nvidia. Usually I see the last 3
characters of the last command at the bottom line for about half a
second, both in irssi and bash. Forcing redraw by switching workspace
or minimizing it for a moment helps. I have been asking on
#rxvt-unicode on freenode and they knew about the problem as well. You
seem to be struck worse by the issue, and I hope the rxvt guys will
address the issue soon.

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