Just before I do something stupid, I thought I would ask about these apparent errors.
Mon May 30 11:49:39 2011: ^[[1;34;40m:: ^[[1;37;40mRemoving Leftover Files^[[1;0m ^[[s^[[151G ^[[1;34;40m[^[[0;36;40mBUSY^[[1;34;40m]^[[1;0m /bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/.X11-unix': File exists Mon May 30 11:49:40 2011: /bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/.ICE-unix': File exists My boot log goes back to 12 May 2011 so that's the earliest I can verify this data. I've search flyspray for any bug reports about this and didn't find any. Should these two files be deleted on shutdown or should they not be created on boot? If they should be deleted, where is the error? Myra -- Life's fun when your sick and psychotic!