On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Grigorios Bouzakis <grb...@xsmail.com> wrote:
> Tom Gundersen wrote:
>> The specific bug you pointed out is not particular to KDM/GDM/slim,
>> but should be fixed for all daemons (proper inheritance of LOCALE),
>> and it is on our TODO list.
> Indeed, but i didnt point to this report to prove that the rc.d way
> doesnt work. Its a 10 month old bug report, which means theres been 9-10
> upgrades to KDE. The KDE maintainer didnt fix the problem all this time.
> Both responces to it have been by Arch developers one of which said the
> rc.d way sucks and inittab is the proper way and the other who said
> inittab is the only way and thats what the user should be using. To me
> that means the rc.d way, even if on most occasions may work, it is
> unsupported.

If it is unmaintained that is indeed a problem. I have added myself to
the bug report you pointed out, and will help with finding a solution
(if the people who observe it will answer the questions I put there
;-) ). If there are more kdm rc.d script related bugs, please let me
know (I couldn't find any).

> Additionally its more error prone, while the inittab method always works,
> and always works reliably.

This is strange. The kdm rc.d script must be among  the simplest in
existence, and as far as I can tell it does the same as putting kdm
into inittab. I would be interested to see bugs that are confirmed to
work with inittab and not with rc.d script (because then I think we
might have something weird going on)...

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