I want to run devilspie to add opacity to windows of particular apps.
But i can't get it to work.
I can't even run the example script from arch wiki article [1]. I've
tried it under twm and dwm; both don't work. I run "devilspie -d -a"
command, to set it to debug mode, then I get:
Devil's Pie 0.22 starting...
Loading /etc/devilspie
Loading /etc/devilspie/example.ds
Loading /home/maciejjo/.devilspie
Loading /home/maciejjo/.devilspie/opacity.ds
2 s-expressions loaded.
But I think it should report something when I open and close windows,
and it does not.
Can someone reproduce this issue?
[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Per_Application_Transparency

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