This is such a basic issue that I refuse to believe I'm the first to
bump into this behaviour.  Hence I ask here first for some help.

I recently upgraded to Gnome3 and switching between windows with
alt+tab is rather broken for me.  Here's why I say that:

1. I make sure I have two non-overlapping windows on the screen at the
   same time.
2. I position the mouse pointer in one of the window.
3. At this point I can't switch focus to the other window with

Basically I have two options:

1. Move the mouse pointer so that it's not in any window, then I can
   use alt+tab.
2. Move the mouse to switch focus.

Neither of these is very convenient.

Does anyone recognise this?


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email:   jabber:
twitter: magthe     

I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have
C++ in mind.
     -- Alan Kay

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