On Sun, 1 May 2011 03:33:37 -0400, Jim Pryor wrote:
> ...
> As I said, my source tree contains a large refactoring push. I have
> deferred this, and back-ported some important bugfixes, and a few simple
> features or packaging changes, to a v4.5 release. I'll push this to
> <http://www.jimpryor.net/linux/dcron.html> shortly; and I hope it can be
> packaged and pushed to [testing]. I'd welcome any testing and feedback
> any of you might be able to do.
> I will push those changes, as well as all the other deferred parts of my
> source tree, to dcron's git repo at <http://repo.or.cz/w/dcron.git>. And
> I'll update the dcron-git package on AUR, at
> <http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33377>. If any of you were
> interested and able to test this, I'd very much welcome such feedback
> too.
> These will all be pushed in the next couple of hours.

Could you also tag the releases in git (maybe you just forgot to push
them using git push --tags)

Pierre Schmitz, https://users.archlinux.de/~pierre

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