On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Jan de Groot <j...@jgc.homeip.net> wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 14:32:07 +0200, Cédric Girard <girard.ced...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Today I wanted to install the group (xorg-apps). But there is a package
>> with
>> the same name. I did not find a way to tell pacman I wanted the group and
>> not the package.
>> I ended doing this:
>> sudo pacman -S `pacman -Sg xorg-apps | sed 's!xorg-apps \(.*\)!\1!'`
>> But there must be an easier way. Any thought about this?
>> Regards,
> Hm, crap, didn't think of that when I changed the groups and replaced that
> dummy package...
> Anyways, I think the only way around this is by making the package
> disappear from extra.db.tar.gz on your system and then install the xorg-apps
> group. I'll get around removing xorg-apps soon, there's still a package in
> the repositories that depends on it.

Shouldn't there be a way to check conflicts between group and package name
then (I don't have anything specific in mind)?

Cédric Girard

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