On Thursday 14 April 2011 08:35:28 Heiko Baums wrote: > Am Thu, 14 Apr 2011 04:55:32 +0300 > > schrieb Grigorios Bouzakis <grb...@xsmail.com>: > > Yaro Kasear wrote: > > > On Wednesday, April 13, 2011 20:45:32 Grigorios Bouzakis wrote: > > >> This feature request: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/23747 > > >> > > >> ---- > > >> Greg > > > > > > Is this some sort of configuration utility for Xorg? A little > > > background would be nice. > > > > Autocutsel is not part of the X suite. It changes the way the X > > clipboards work. > > http://www.nongnu.org/autocutsel > > > > "X servers use two schemes to copy text between applications. The > > first one (old and deprecated) is the cutbuffer. It is a simple > > buffer in which any application can store text. The other scheme is > > the selection and works differently. There may be many selections in > > a single server. An application does not copy data in a selection, it > > "owns" it. When another application wants to retreive the content of > > a selection, it asks the owner. > > > > Autocutsel tracks changes in the server's cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD > > selection. When the CLIPBOARD is changed, it updates the cutbuffer. > > When the cutbuffer is changed, it owns the CLIPBOARD selection. The > > cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection are always synchronized. Since the > > VNC client synchronizes the Windows' clipboard and the server's > > cutbuffer, all three "clipboards" are always kept synchronized. When > > you copy some text in Windows, the cutbuffer and the CLIPBOARD > > selection are updated. When you copy text on the server using either > > the cutbuffer or the CLIPBOARD selection, the Windows's clipboard is > > always updated. > > From what I read about it now, definitely not! Quote +1
> I regularly use both standard X buffers and I need both. I need the > Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V method as well as just pasting the selection with the > middle mouse click. Btw., usually the clipboards of most DEs - at least > the ones of KDE and Xfce - already let the user decide and configure > how both buffers are handled, if they are synchronized or if they are > separated. > > So I don't think there's a need for such a tool like autocutsel and it > definitely doesn't have to become a default, means a dependency. Users > who want autocutsel can, of course, install it. But there shouldn't be > any system wide config which forces the users to use it the way the > admin wants them to use it. And again +1. I absolutley don't think all users should have to follow what only a few find useful. If the users that need it want it, they can install it seperatly. Francesco