> 04/13/2011 06:16 PM, Gordon Campbell wrote:
>>Just did a fresh install of Archlinux. The problem is when I start Firefox
>>nothing happens. I ran it in the terminal and it's segfaults . Can get the
>>safe mode box up when I run firefox -safe-mode but when it try's to start it
>>just segfaults. Anyone else have this problem and how can I sort this?

>do you use different packages for cairo/freetype2/fontconfig?
I did a fresh install with Testing enabled so it is possible that I could be 
using different cairo/freetype2/fontconfig packages. Also running Gnome 3.
Edit: Just checked - cairo/freetype2/fontconfig are the same ones I have 
installed that are in the extra repo
@Juan libtrash is not installed.
I did an identical install on my laptop about 2 days ago and works great on 
there. Maybe something has updated in Testing since then?                       

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