On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Dennis Beekman
<d.c.beekman.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Libre Office seems to depend on the openjdk6 package but this package
> doesn't support applets in firefox and therefore i use the jre & jdk
> packages instead.
> When i installed the latest updates wich included Libre Office it removed
> the jre package in favor of the openjdk6 package.
> I have forced pacman to remove to openjdk package and install the jre and
> jdk packages instead... and Libre Office works fine (i see no diffirence at
> least).
> Is there any specific reason for Libre Office to use openjdk6 ? and can we
> perhaps change this to jre/jdk instead ?

Why not just install the icedtea-web package, which provides the
Applet support for OpenJDK?

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