Am Wed, 6 Apr 2011 10:24:42 -0600
schrieb Thomas S Hatch <>:

> The thing to do is contact the package maintainer and present the
> idea, and ask what needs to be done to make the change.
> I for one +1 to the move, I like dcron, but when it takes this long
> to fix bugs upstream we need to unfortunately consider alternatives.

If you like dcron you will like fcron considerably more. I don't like
dcron, because it at least feals somewhat immature and incomplete while
fcron is absolutely complete and works perfectly as far as I can tell.
All the features and the pros and cons, if there are any, have been
mentioned many times here on the list. So I won't repeat them.

+1 from me, too, for making fcron the default cron daemon as soon as


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