On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 9:09 PM, C Anthony Risinger <anth...@extof.me>wrote:

> EDIT: ah jeez ... it's that damn time of year again.  haha i always
> forget about the day of fools until i'm 3 seconds from spamming my
> gullibility to the world.
> sending anyway because i already wrote it ;-)
> C Anthony
> ------------------------------------------------------
> so i sorta meandered to the debian.org homepage randomly, and was
> surprised to see this:
> [ it's a link, go ahead and click it :-) ]
> http://www.debian.org/
> ------------------------------------------------------
> "We are pleased to announce the birth of the Canterbury distribution.
> Canterbury is a merge of the efforts of the community distributions
> formerly known as Debian, Gentoo, Grml, openSUSE and Arch Linux.
> The target is to produce a really unified effort and be able to stand
> up in a combined effort against proprietary operating systems, to show
> off that the Free Software community is actually able to work together
> for a common goal instead of creating more diversity."
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Features
> The Canterbury distribution will combine the best of the linux world
> to another game changer for the good of the users:
> Simple as Arch - technologically simple and bleeding edge.
> Stable as Debian - highly dependable.
> Malleable as Gentoo - you get what you really want.
> Live as Grml - readily usable.
> Openminded as openSUSE - broad and welcoming for everyone.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> (2011-04-01) - Public Announce
> Today we came to the point where we feel comfortable to announce the
> joined effort to the general public. Please watch this space over the
> next days.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> looks like it was announced today-ish (er tomorrow for me ...), so
> what i'm wondering if there is any kind of official affiliation here?
> did anyone here (particularly those close to development processes)
> know about this?  at any rate, sounds pretty cool, should be a good
> thing.
> C Anthony

This post is worthy of poking out of the shadows for.

- Vincent Schumaker

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