Is there some way of downloading upgradable packages without running
the "looking for inter-conflicts" step?

I have a locally modified broadcom-wl package[1], the modification is
a dependency on the specific version of the kernel (in order to avoid
the all too common situation where I updated the kernel and promptly
lost connectivity).  What I'd really like to do is download all
upgradable packages, then remove connectivity in a controlled way,
perform the upgrade from the local cache, re-boot, re-build the
broadcom-wl package.  I fail at this since 'pacman -Suw' won't
download upgradable packages if there are "inter-conflicts" (in my
case caused by my broadcom-wl package).  Is there some way to get
pacman to perform the download without "looking for inter-conflicts"?



Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
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